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Vidyasiri Scholarship 2025: Apply Online, Eligibility, Documents Required, Last Date

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The Vidyasiri scholarship is an initiative under the Backward Classes Welfare Department, Government of Karnataka. This scholarship is provided for students who have not secured admission in any departmental or government-funded student hostels while pursuing post-matric courses. Eligible students will receive an annual food and accommodation scholarship of Rs 15,000 which supports their living expenses in addition to academic costs.

In this article, let us explore detailed information about the Vidyasiri scholarship 2024-25, covering its eligibility criteria, required documents, and the application process.

Vidyasiri Scholarship 2025 (Highlights)

Scholarship NameVidyasiri Scholarship
Initiated ByBackward Classes Welfare Department, Government of Karnataka
BeneficiariesStudents belonging to BCWD
Scholarship Year2024-25
Scholarship Amount15000 Rs (Anually)
Application Last Date15/02/2025 (Extended)
Application ModeOnline
More Details (Eligibility, Documents Required, Application Process etc..)Read Below

Vidyasiri Scholarship 2024-25 Eligibility Criteria @bcwd.karnataka.gov.in

General Requirements

  1. The student must be a citizen of India and a permanent resident of Karnataka state.
  2. The student’s caste must belong to the Backward Class Welfare Department.
  3. The student must be pursuing any of the post-matric courses in government/local institutions, aided institutions, non-aided recognized private institutions affiliated with the statutory universities of Karnataka.
  4. Students who have not been admitted to any departmental or government-funded student hostels are eligible to receive the Food and Accommodation Scholarship under the Vidyasiri scholarship scheme.
  5. Only two male students from the same family are eligible for the Vidyasiri scholarship scheme. However, this restriction does not apply to female students.
  6. The student must compulsorily submit the SSP Scholarship application for the present academic year.
  7. Students must reside in the rural areas of Karnataka, at least 5 km away from the college where they are studying. However, if the student’s residence is in the city or town but they are attending college in a different city or town, in such cases, he/she is eligible for this Vidyasiri scholarship scheme.

Academic Requirements

  1. Students who enroll in equivalent courses (e.g., admission to B.Com after B.A., MA(English) after MA(Kannada), LLB after B.Ed., etc.) are not eligible to receive the Vidyasiri Scholarship.
  2. Students pursuing postgraduate medical courses while practicing medicine during the course are not eligible for the Vidyasiri Scholarship.
  3. Students who have passed Arts, Science, and Commerce courses, Bachelor’s or Master’s degrees, and are pursuing approved Professional or Technical Certificate, Diploma, Degree Courses are entitled to the benefits of the Vidyasiri scholarship scheme if they are otherwise eligible. However, students who have changed courses more than once are not eligible.
  4. The class attendance of the student must be at least 75% compulsorily.
  5. Students submitting new and renewal applications must have passed with the minimum marks mentioned below in the previous academic year’s annual examination in order to avail of the Vidyasiri scholarship scheme facility.
Category% Of Marks (Fresh)% Of Marks (Renewal)
Category- 140%50%
Category – 2A, 3A and 3B50%60%
Also Read :

1) Labour Card Scholarship Apply Online

2) Raita Vidya Nidhi Scholarship : Eligibility, Documents Required, Apply Online

3) Dharmasthala Scholarship : Apply Online, Eligibility, Documents Required, Last Date

Income Requirements

  1. The gross annual income of the student’s family should be within the limits as mentioned below.
CategoryIncome Limit
Category-IRs 2.50 lakh
Category – 2A, 3A and 3BRs 1.00 lakh

Vidyasiri Scholarship 2024-25 Amount Allocation (Category Wise)

The Percentage of the vidyasiri scholarship 2024-25 amount allocated category wise is mentioned below.

CategoryPercentage of amount
Category – 115%
Category – 2A53%
Category – 3A14%
Category – 3B18%
Total :100%

Vidyasiri Scholarship 2024-25 Documents Required

1.Caste & Income RD No
2.Aadhaar of Student
3.Aadhaar of Parents/Guardian
4.SATS ID for PUC students
5.USN or Reg.No (For Non-PUC Students)

Vidyasiri Scholarship 2024-25 Apply Online @ssp.postmatric.karnataka.gov.in

Dear all, please note that there was previously a separate application process for the Vidyasiri scholarship. However, there is no longer a need to submit a separate application. You just need to submit your SSP scholarship application, and the Vidyasiri will be awarded to eligible students automatically based on the information provided during the submission of the SSP scholarship application for the current academic year.

STEP 1 : To submit an online application for Vidyasiri Scholarship 2024-25 , Visit the SSP Scholarship Portal (ssp.postmatric.karnataka.gov.in) and log in to the portal using your credentials. In the top menu bar, click on ‘Apply for post-matric scholarship‘ and carefully fill out all the details requested in each step, including your income and place of residence details.

Vidyasiri Scholarship 2024-25 Apply Online

STEP 2 : Once you have filled out all the details in each step, preview and verify the scholarship application for any necessary corrections. Then, click on the ‘Submit‘ button.

STEP 3 : Finally , take a print out of the scholarship acknowledgment and submit it to your college office, along with all relevant documents as per your college’s requirements, for further verification to award Vidyasiri scholarship based on the submitted information by the student.

Vidyasiri Scholarship 2024-25 Last Date

The last date to submit the online application for vidyasiri scholarship 2024-25 through SSP Portal is 15/02/2025.

Vidyasiri Scholarship 2024-25 Sanction Process

  1. The applications will be received from the students through the SSP Portal.
  2. College principals and BCWD inspection officers will review the applications and documents submitted by the students.
  3. The Taluk Backward Classes Welfare Officer will check and verify the applications, then forward them to the district BCWD officer.
  4. The District Backward Classes Welfare Officer will check and verify the applications.
  5. If approved at all stages, the Vidyasiri Scholarship amount will be directly transferred through DBT to the student’s bank account linked with his/her Aadhaar.

We hope this article has provided all valuable information regarding your Vidyasiri 2024-25 and has been very helpful in submitting the application for the scholarship.

For more scholarship updates, continue visiting connectkarnatakaone.in regularly.

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