Citizens of Karnataka who previously registered for the Gruha Jyothi scheme and want to delink due to shifting to a new house can now do so through the Seva Sindhu portal. The option is available for citizens who wish to delink from their old application and relink to the new house’s electricity bill using the same Aadhaar and mobile number.
In this article, we will show you how to delink or cancel your Gruha Jyothi application using your mobile phone in less than 5 minutes.
What is Gruha Jyothi Delink or Cancellation Form?
The Gruha Jyothi delink or cancellation form is an online form available on the Seva Sindhu portal. This form allows citizens who have registered for the Gruha Jyothi scheme to disconnect their application from their old electricity connection. This process is particularly useful for those who have moved to a new house and need to delink or cancel their old application. By using this form, citizens can easily delink their previous application and link the new one using the same Aadhaar number and mobile number. This ensures that their new home is properly registered under the Gruha Jyothi scheme.
How To Delink or Cancel Gruha Jyothi Application In karnataka?
Please follow the step-by-step process to delink or cancel your Gruha Jyothi application through the Seva Sindhu portal.
Step 1: To delink or cancel your Gruha Jyothi application, first visit and select the “Gruha Jyothi” option. From the two forms available, choose the delink form.
Step 2: Enter your Aadhaar number linked to the Gruha Jyothi application and click “Get Details.”
Step 3: Complete the Aadhaar authentication process by entering your Aadhaar number and the OTP received.

Step 4: Once your Aadhaar is authenticated, the details of your previous application, such as Account/Connection ID, Owner Name, Gruha Jyothi Application Number, and Mobile Number, will be displayed. If the details are correct, select “Yes.”

Step 5: Select the reason for delinking from the old application from the available options. If you have shifted your house, choose the “Shifting of the House” option. If you no longer wish to receive Gruha Jyothi benefits, select “Unwilling to continue with Gruha Jyothi scheme” and click “Submit.”
Upon successful submission, your old application will be delinked, and an acknowledgment will be generated. Keep the acknowledgment for future reference.
How to cancel Gruha Jyothi Scheme application?
To cancel your Gruha Jyothi application, first visit, enter your Aadhaar number and OTP, and then submit the form.
How to delink Gruha Jyothi Scheme application?
To delink your Gruha Jyothi application, first visit, and complete aadhaar autentication by entering your Aadhaar number and OTP, and then click submit.